Weekly Photo Challenge:Broken

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Broken.”

For centuries a chain of fortifications kept the inhabitants of Greater China safe from attack from the Mongol Hordes. Today it lies mostly in ruins – scavenged to almost nothing.

This was one of the towers at a section of the Great Wall at Jinshangling.



  1. […] on the Pages of LifeWriting Prompts from Life introversion, inc.06:16:12:05:15:21 – broken * J K RoamingWeekly Photo Challenge:Broken Picture WorthyMay 24, 2015 – [Sunday] WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Broken Living, Learning […]


  2. I want to see that wall some day


    1. That’s a good goal to have. We would go back in a heartbeat! If you do go you can’t go wrong with the Jinshanling section to the north of Beijing (4 hours by bus)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. thanks for that tip, because I’ve seen videos of the wall (somewhere) where there were wall-to-wall people crushing each other. I DON’T want to see that.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yep that’s Badaling – the nearest section to central Beijing. The key we found, when picking the best spots to visit was a trade off between ease of access and wealth of discovery – The harder to get to that temple/city/lagoon etc the better experience you will have once you get there and the greater the reward for that hard journey!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I’m pondering where to go this summer. I’d rather not do China solo, but…


      4. Our friends did an organised tour – not as flexible as doing it yourself but most tours include the main sites and experiences so it is almost as good as..

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Yeah…not my usual style, but for China, might be a good way to go??


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